International Women's Day - Celebrating Inspirational Mums

It's International Women's Day and we want to celebrate the mums you have nominated as your inspirational mamas. Read their inspiring stories...

⁠Lauren Ewington - Marathon Mama

The first of our three mums who we've selected as one of our inspirational mums is Lauren Ewington, one of our marathon mums team for 2023 and who was nominated by her partner. 

For many mums, just adapting to life as a new mum can be a hard enough journey to navigate without also thinking about an exercise regime. Between balancing all the responsibilities of being a new mum, and trying your best to heal your body, it can be difficult to even find the right time to fit in exercise, let alone train consistently for something like a marathon! But at just 11 months postpartum, Lauren ran her first ever marathon in New York, all whilst still breastfeeding her daughter - incredible.

Lauren was unable to run during her pregnancy but with the help of several people, not least her partner, a proper postntal PT and a physio to help her look after her pelvic floor, Lauren was able to achieve her goal of completing a marathon!

Since then Lauren has returned to work as a doctor at the same time as being a new mum who trains to run marathons - oh and up until a couple of months ago, she was also working on her PhD. (A massive congratulations on her success - I think I need some tips on how to find the time!)

Now, after securing a new job, Lauren is training to run the London marathon whilst being one of 'the most amazing mummies and giving everything she can’ for her little one.

Melanie Bentley-Moore - The Breastfeeding Badass

The second mum on our lists of mums that make you say ‘wow’, is Melanie Bentley-Moore from Your Cosmic Coach for her struggles on her breastfeeding journey and how she overcame those difficulties.

It's important to note that every mum's experience of breastfeeding is different. For some mums it doesn’t come naturally and for some there are things that get in the way of making it an enjoyable experience. It certainly isn’t always easy for every mum and this was definitely the case for Melanie.

For months on end Melanie experienced extreme nipple pain whilst feeding her little one and after a while, it became too much. As a single mum that is balancing her business at the same time as finding her feet with her first child, the added pressure and stress of having breastfeeding struggles felt like an insurmountable amount for any woman to cope with.

Typically, seeking out professional advice and support can help a new mum to find the answers she need to make the whole process just a little bit easier, this was unfortunately not the case for Melanie. At one point, Malanie even went to see a IBCLC at one point hoping to find a solution, but to no avail. 

With no resolution in sight, Melanie very nearly gave up on her nursing journey,  but after many tears her faith saw her through and after what can only be described as a spiritual epiphany, she persevered on and is still nursing her little one now at nearly 2 and a half years old.

But it’s not just triumph over adversity that made us choose Melanie as one of our inspirational mums. Its that she now uses her experience to advocate for other mothers struggling with breastfeeding and campaigns with the NHS and her local council to help support and bring confidence to other mums whose struggles aren't always heard. 

Rhian Adams - The Super Mum

Our third inspirational story belongs to award winning Personal Trainer and mum of two, Rhian Adams, who has certainly faced her fair share of motherhood hurdles that she has had to overcome. It comes as no surprise to anyone that becoming a mother is a hard enough adjustment as it is, but it is only made more difficult when your little one is born with additional needs. 

At just 10 months old, one of Rhian’s son was diagnosed with Angelman’s syndrome – a genetic condition that affects the nervous system and causes severe physical and learning disabilities. This has led to severe developmental delays, sleep disorders and suppressed immunity along with many other life altering symptoms which, in turn, has meant a lot of hospital stays for this little boy. Even so Rhian has continued to work hard, support her children and keep on smiling through.

Last year Rhian became a single mother and the loss of extra support has been a difficult journey for her to overcome, but Rhian has found comfort in her faith through that struggle and has worked incredibly hard to raise awareness and funds for Angelman’s. Even going as far as Miami to hear scientists share research update whilst she pushes for awareness and support  – never underestimate the power of a mum on a mission. 

For more information about Angelman’s Syndrome, please click here to visit the Angelman’s Syndrome Foundation.